Little Crocheted Cuteness

From the book Creepy Cute Crochet.

From the book Creepy Cute Crochet.

These are from the book Creepy Cute Crochet. I decided they were going to have a wedding ceremony on my counter.

These are from the book Creepy Cute Crochet. I decided they were going to have a wedding ceremony on my counter.

I am getting married in three weeks (I’m getting nervous). I haven’t been able to crochet for the blog as I have been making all the corsages and boutonnieres for the guest as well as the cake, etc. I am also making afghans for all my bridesmaids. Needless to say, I have been busy.

I needed a break from the wedding planning while my fiancé was at his Bachelor Party. I sat down with the book Creepy Cute Crochet and just started at the beginning. I am digging the skeleton bride and groom and will probably put them somewhere at the reception. Maybe they can be at my table. I’m not sure. However after that break, I need to work on all the wedding decorations. It feels like a lot of time, but I know it will sneak up on me.

I hope to update more after the wedding.

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One comment on “Little Crocheted Cuteness
  1. Ruth Sheldon says:

    congratulations on your upcoming nuptuals! I can’t wait to see more of your creations! I’m eagerly awaiting the finish of the avengers… Take your time, enjoy being a bride, it only happens for a day… then you get to be a wife! enjoy it!!

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